Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tapping into that source

Hey farmboy! How's my favorite songwriter?

I don't know about your favorite songwriter, but I'm tense because of work.

But it's Saturday...

I know. And I also know I don't want to talk about my fuckin' job.

Then let's talk about your real work: songwriting.

Ah, thanks. It's really good to hear somebody acknowledge that.

Not much to report, except I wrote a verse and a sort-of chorus yesterday, and I've been adding song ideas to my "song ideas" document that I keep on my desktop for easy access. How fuckin' professional of me, huh?

I'm impressed. That's a good idea.


So I've been tapping into that source, you know, and we'll see what comes up out of the ideas. They're kind of like the seeds for songs, you know? I read over all these ideas once in a while to see if there's anything there that's clicked yet. Or that has the potential to click.

It's good to have that kind of thing. I used to put up poster board in my room when I lived in Austin, and I'd write them down so I could see them all the time. Now I use the computer for it, nut it seems to work just as well, if not better. I don't look at them as often as I did when I used the poster board, but that's okay.

It keeps you writing...

In one way or another.

What have you been listening to, farmboy?

Mostly podcasts of NPR-type stuff, you know, Terry Gross, that kind of stuff. Not much music, which is a real shame. I've been playing, though. I'm working on this Tom T. Hall song. He's written some songs that are fuckin' great.

So you've been musically busy?

Somewhat. Yeah, I guess I have. I've also got a couple gigs in the next few weeks, which is way cool. And I really do want to start working on the new CD. Even if it's just a guitar/vocal type thing, I still need to get started. Plus all the looking for gig stuff, it's all kinda overwhelming. I could use some help.

I'll help in any way I can, farmboy.

Thanks -- I appreciate it. And anyway, you're already helping. A lot. I don't say thank you enough, man. But I do really appreciate it.


Man, you're such a good friend. Thanks.

You're very welcome.

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