Thursday, February 3, 2011

Music day

Hey, man, whatcha doing?

Not much, farmboy. Where are you at?

I'm still here at work. I have to kill, like, ten minutes or so before I can go home, so I just thought I'd call.

I'm glad you did. So what's happening at work?

Not much. Today was music day, where I get to do music with students for, like, 45 minutes or so. The folks at work are giving me more responsibility. So now I'm gonna do music three times a week.


Yeah, very much so. Today we had a substitute who brought her tin whistle and Native American flute. I love both of them, but I'm really pretty entranced by the Native American flute. I love that...well, wooden sound that it has.

That's a beautiful sound. So warm and mellow.

Yeah, I just love it. I'm trying to think of a way that I can incorporate it in my own music, like on a recording or something. There's this one song that I think would be great for it...not on the song itself, but as an introduction to the song.

It seems to always come back to your songs. Which it should.

It should and it does. I have an fuckin' active musical imagination.

Which is a good thing.

Which is a very good thing. Believe me.

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