Saturday, February 26, 2011

To make the work feel like play

Y'know, I don't want to give this too much power over me, but I'm just not coming up with anything that I have to write about. And then I think that maybe I'm focusing too much on the...the writing of the, that's not what I mean either.

I just want a new song to fall in love with, that's all.

What if you just relax and not put so much pressure on yourself?

Maybe. It's, like, I don't want to be a lazy songwriter, you know. But, on the other hand, forcing songs usually doesn't work, but sometimes it does work. Ain't no big fuckin' deal, man. Songs will come. They always do.

Would you call this a writer's block, farmboy?

I hate all that talk about fuckin' writer's block type stuff. So much of this songwriting thing is such a mystery.

But it's hard, man. It's frustrating. But you gotta keep up your chops, y'know? Gotta keep those songwriting muscles workin'. Gotta make some way to make the work feel like play.

This is so weird. I just got an idea.

gotta find some way
to make the work feel like play
like a potter with a ball of clay
I need to find what's mine within
I wake up with the rising sun
and do whatever must be done
the only race that must be run
is the one in my own skin

Remember,, first draft. Right off the top of my head. I don't know if it's any good. I'm sure it has to be rewritten, but that's okay, that's part of that "process" thing I always hear from songwriters in interviews online. So just remember that this is just a beginning, it's nowhere near done, and that it could...

Hey, farmboy?

Uh, yeah?

Just leave that for the right time. Don't be critical right now. Take a breath, farmboy.

(farmboy closes his eyes and takes several deep breaths, inhaling through his nose, holding it for a few seconds, then exhaling slowly through his mouth)

You've improved your breathing, farmboy.

Thanks. We had a training about it at work.


Somewhat. I'm not sure how well this breathing stuff actually works, but it doesn't hurt.

(the interviewer changes the subject)

So, what movie is going to take home the best picture Oscar?

I'd like to see The Social Network take it, but it'll probably be The King's Speech. Which I liked, by the way. I just like The Social Network better. I don't know, man, I hate the idea of "a best movie," it's really just this economic thing with all these Hollywood politics that seem so far away, you know...

Hey, wait, man! You're just trying to get me away from criticizing myself.

Precisely, farmboy. So you can come back to it fresh.

That's probably for the better, really.

Think you'll go back to today's songwriting? You didn't seem to force that too much.

I think so. We'll see, dude.

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