Monday, February 21, 2011

Roots are finally taking hold

Man, this is what's going on. This is what I've been thinking about. I get close to making some kind of leap in my life, like I'm gonna move up to my imaginary next level. And then I fuckin' stop. Out of lack of belief in myself, or fear,or...I don't know. What I'm thinking is that I'm gonna get some counseling of a kind of behavioral basis.

Man, farmboy! It's great to hear you talking like this.

Thanks. I will need your help.

I'm here, farmboy.

I gotta do some stuff, man...

Sounds like you've been planting seeds.

I've been planting them for a while, but it feels like the roots are finally taking hold. Or some kind of metaphor. Or simile.

Let's see. A simile means something is "like" something where a metaphor... something.

Something like that.

Fuckin' A, man.

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