Monday, February 3, 2014

A change is gonna come

So here I am, it's Monday night, the night when everything seems hopeless because there four more days of my stupid job to get through. But enough of that.

I was at the NPR website today and heard a story about the great, great Sam Cooke song "A Change is Gonna Come."

I heard that! That's quite a song. How was the news report, farmboy?

It was great. That song is so fuckin' amazing, man. It got me thinking that if a song like that came out of me I'd be scared shitless. Listen to the melody of that first line.

(farmboy sings)

           I was born by the river
           in a little tent

I'm astounded by that. There is so much strength in his singing, so much emotion, you think it's going to overtake everything. 

He's a brilliant singer, that's for sure.

Just the fuckin' best, man. And his singing on this song! It makes you think we really will overcome.

And we will.

It's good, it's necessary to remember that, you know?

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