Thursday, February 6, 2014

Like the fuckin' Twilight Zone

Dig this, man. Got home from work early because it's fuckin' snowing!

I know! Pretty exciting, eh, farmboy?

The big excitement to me is that I'm positive there will be a snow day tomorrow, which means a three-day weekend. And I get to stay at home and I can't really do anything about it! Time is irrelevant! It's kinda like the fuckin' Twilight Zone to me, another world. That's what it's like when it snows. I love snow.

Of course, I'm saying this from the comfort of my little apartment with heat and gas and electricity and music and food, you know? 

I think about that too, farmboy. I sometimes feel guilty about being indoors enjoying the sound of the rain.

Man, same with me. And I fuckin' love the sound of rain.

And the look of snow?

Proof that some things really do change.

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