Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm off the clock

So I can't take off on Monday so I decided to take tomorrow off. Man, amazingly, I didn't go out and buy bad food to celebrate. Right now I'm baking a chicken and potatoes, and I have stuff for a salad.

farmboy, that's the most, uh, normal meal I've ever heard of you making.

Well, I had the potatoes and I had the chicken and I had the salad stuff, so there you go.

Sounds good. So, farmboy, you're taking off tomorrow.

Yeah, I got sick days and one personal day left and I'm taking everything. Believe me.

I don't blame you.

You know, it's been such a fuckin' drag at work, I don't want to focus on it now, man. I'm off the clock, you know?

So what am I gonna do, man? I don't know. But I may watch this TV show Breaking Bad that I checked out of the library. It's a good show. Or maybe I'll fall asleep. I don't know. I just want to relax, to not worry, to not be stressed out. I don't want too feel angry or that I should be doing something. I don't want to do stuff out of guilt. I don't know if it's possible, man. I just don't know...

You could listen to music...

I might. I don't listen to enough music, at least lately. Maybe I'll play music, too. Maybe I'll write.

It's all open, farmboy.

Just the way I like it.

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