Thursday, September 5, 2013

I would never do that to her

I'm sorry, man. I'm so depressed and angry and sad that I can't really talk. So many things are so fuckin' bad that I don't know what I'm gonna do. My mind is racing and I don't have any weed to calm me down. I'm sorry. I just need to fuckin' get out of my head. I need some good news. 

I've been thinking about how much I've thought about suicide in the past, well, few years. I've been majorly depressed for, like, twelve years now, at least. I need help and I don't know what I'm gonna do, man. 

Don't worry. I ain't gonna kill myself. I've got a seven-year-old niece and I am not going to leave her with the memory of me committing suicide. I would never do that to her. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm so sad, man. I hope I can sleep.

I'm so fuckin' sorry.

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