Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My fuckin' mantra

Man, I am so fuckin' worried.

About your truck?

Yeah. It looks like it might cost a shitload of money that I don't have. I may just have to give up driving, which…well, I don't want to think about it. But if I have to, I guess I will. I don't know if I have any choice about it. 

This just fuckin' sucks. I'm trying to not get too freaked out about it -- I mean, it's not like I went to the doctor and he said I have cancer or something.

Well, farmboy, I guess that's one way of looking at it. But it would be a shame if you had to give up your truck.

Oh, man, yeah, it would be awful. At least I live in a city with a good mass transit system, and I've ridden the buses and trains when I worked at that school in the southeast. I used to have to go all over the place.

I'll just have to see what happens and try not to worry or get all freaked out or emotional. I need to be calm -- that's like my fuckin' mantra these days, with work and money problems and everything else. 

Being calm -- that's important. Being frantic and living in panic doesn't help anything, farmboy.

I know. Unfortunately, those are the two things I'm good at.

You need to be nice to yourself, farmboy. Don't put yourself down.

But it's the truth!

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It doesn't matter. You're smart and resourceful. Remember that.

I will. But it may not be easy.

I know, farmboy. But try.

I will, man. I really will.

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