Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm a fuckin' walking advertisement

Hey, man, good to hear from you. 

What have you been up to, farmboy?

Not much. Waiting to see if it's gonna snow. I hope so. I want a snow day. 

I'm feeling so fuckin' relaxed, man. I've been listening to this piano stuff written by Eric Satie. It's beautiful stuff. It actually relaxes me. There's not much music that does that. That ambient stuff that Brian Eno does, that'll help me sleep. And I mean that in a good way. I fuckin' love Brian Eno, you know, Music for Airports, that kind of thing.

Maybe you should check out some Eric Satie from the public library.

Oh, believe me, man, I will. I'm a fuckin' walking advertisement for the guy.

Man, I can't wait until I can figure out some way to get an iPod. Mine broke, you know. Fuckin' sucks, dude. No more lying in bed and listening to podcasts. It's classical radio now. That's how I heard of this Satie guy.

Well, that's something good that's come out of a broken iPod.

Yeah. Hopefully I'll find more music I like. That would be something good.

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