Sunday, March 20, 2016

I felt kinda hurt

I know you're doing your best to remain positive, farmboy, but do you ever feel down?

Sure. Not often, though. 

What has made you feel bad?

I was sort of depressed for a couple days when I was here for, say, two weeks, and it just seemed like the same old thing every day. But, you know, I wasn't super depressed. I was in the process of getting used to being here. It wasn't anything serious. I've only had one time when I got down real bad.

When was that, farmboy?

It was this one Saturday night and I got sad because a couple of people who had been visiting often stopped coming. I didn't know what happened to them and I wondered if it was me. I remember thinking that I'd wished they would have called. I thought maybe something was wrong -- not with me, but in their lives. You know, thinking about accidents and stuff. But I didn't know what to do. 

I felt like I couldn't call them because I was afraid they might feel like I'm pressuring them to come, and I really didn't want them to feel like that. I mean, this world doesn't revolve around me and this fuckin' accident. I don't want attention for having an accident; I want attention because of the songs I write. I also don't want people visiting me out of pity or some silly sense of guilt.

So you never said anything to them?

No. And I'm glad I didn't. I've seen them both since. They're not visiting very often, but they've come. And I'm thankful for that. I know they have things happening in their lives.

It's just that I was fuckin' lonely, man. It gets lonely sometimes. And that just happens, you know, loneliness. I was kinda feeling like they forgot about me. I was trying not to get sucked into self-pity. I was confused, I felt kinda hurt.

How did you get over it, farmboy?

I fell asleep. Next morning I was fine.

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