Sunday, April 16, 2017


it's hard
it's hard work
it's the hardest work you'll ever know
it's always
been so damn dark
but you won't remember that
after you've seen the glow
of the sun
and the fireflies
and the rising of the moon
it's hard work
but it's worth it
coming out of the cocoon

you're angry
your mind's on fire
your brain's attacking everything you are
it's been darker
than the devil's deep desire
while you've been endlessly searching 
for that northern star
to guide you
through the night
but the sun will be rising soon
I promise
you'll get used to the light
coming out of the cocoon

will try to control you
but don't even let it near
it's as natural as breathing
you can't make it disappear
ah, but courage
remember that guy?
he's been with you since the womb
he knows you're ready
hey look, a butterfly!
coming out of the cocoon
you're ready
spread your wings and fly
out of the cocoon

it's hard 
it's hard work
it's the hardest work you'll ever know

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