Saturday, September 7, 2019

I mean, isn't this stuff supposed to fuckin' help

Goddammit! Nothing in my life ever fuckin' goes right. It's just been a fuckin' shit show for the past fuckin' how-many-number-of-years. Fuck, it's fuckin' everything up. Get me out of this fuckin' life as quick as you can, 'cause it's just not fuckin' working.

Calm down, farmboy, it's going...


(softly, calmly) I'm sorry, farmboy. You're right. Go ahead. Get it all out of your system.

Great. Now I'm a little better. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I don't fuckin' know when the fuckin' switch is going to be turned on and off. My anger is fuckin' out of control. I don't know what to fuckin' do.

What have you done?

I took a Klonopin, of course, and in twenty minutes I'm going to make a cup of coffee and smoke some weed and maybe I'll meditate. But not until I calm down enough and fuckin' feel like it. I'm so tired of all these everyday things weighing on me. The practicing, the writing, the fuckin' meditation. I mean, isn't this stuff supposed to fuckin' help at some fuckin' point? Isn't the walking supposed to help me lose weight and get in shape? Isn't the playing supposed to make me better. Jesus, everything I fuckin' do just causes me pain and aggravation. 

Let's look at things. What have you eaten today?



I'm trying to lose weight and nothing fuckin' works. So I figure not eating is the solution. I'll eat something after a while.

This is the problem: Nothing ever fuckin' works. It's fuckin' amazing. If I were a regular fuckin' human being, I wouldn't be going through this. But I'm not a regular fuckin' human being. I'm a fuckin' circus freak.

I'm sorry, farmboy.

Thanks. I appreciate it. I'm getting calmer. Thank you. But when does this shit ever end? When do I get a fuckin' break, huh?

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