Thursday, December 15, 2011

One great day

So tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for, the day I thought would never come, one of the happiest days of the year: the last day of school before winter break. It's gonna be one great day tomorrow afternoon when work is out.

Looking forward to it, eh, farmboy?

Eh? Are you turning Canadian on me? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to school being out. Two weeks is a good amount of time. That first day, though...that's the best. It's just so fuckin' great.

This is the first lengthy vacation -- public-school-speaking -- you've had after an extremely long period of uncertainty. You've been through a lot. You've earned this rest, farmboy.

Thanks, man. I feel like just sleeping for at least the first week. I plan to play a lot of music, to work on the CD. Hopefully I'll get to do some recording the week between Christmas and New Year's.

Anyway, man, I'm gonna eat something and go to bed.

So you can wake up for the last day of work for 2011.

You got that right, man.

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