Friday, December 28, 2012

Ain't nobody who can sing like me

I have not checked my email yet. 

Is that unusual?

Yeah. Usually if I've been away from the computer that's the first thing I check. I dunno why. It's not like there's gonna be, like, any good news. In fact, I'm really apprehensive. Same with phone messages. I keep waiting for the other fuckin' shoe to drop, man. Or some stupid cliche that applies. 

There's the farmboy I know!

Shit, man, it's true. It's the family panic. We all have it. Well, I don't know about my older brother, the one in California. He's pretty level-headed. I mean, both my brothers and my sister are smarter than me. And better looking. But -- to quote from a song off of that album of Woody Guthrie lyrics that Billy Bragg and Wilco put to music -- "Ain't nobody who can sing like me."

You're the musical one.

Yeah. I mean, I think we're all musical. But I'm the one who's fuckin' crazy. You know, man?

I know that you're musical, farmboy. And good at it.

Fuck, I hope so. It's good to be good at something, you know? Music was just the one thing I cared about. Almost to the exclusion of everything else.

Is that a good thing?

The jury's still out on that one, man.

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