Oh, man, I got worries.
Yeah, farmboy? Tell me about them.
The showerhead broke and my faucet in the kitchen area's not doing well.
So call your landlord. You live in an apartment, you know.
Yeah, but...but my apartment's a mess.
Clean it up. Jeez, farmboy, you know this stuff.
I mean it's a real mess. I'm living in squalor. This place is a pig sty!
You're serious.
It's a fuckin' mess.
So just clean it up, one thing at a time. You're just panicking.
Yes. You do that from time to time. It never gets you anywhere, but you still do it.
I've been at a training for work the last couple days to make some extra money. The instructor mentioned a couple times that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
I do that a lot. Fuckin' pisses me off.
So try different things. (laughs) Like action instead of worrying, in this case.
Pick up a piece of trash and put it in a bag to be taken out to the trash. Then pick up, say, five things. Repeat that for say, ten minutes. See what you get done.
(sighs) Okay. I'll clean this place up.
You don't want to be insane, do you?
I guess not.
Anything else, farmboy?
See you tomorrow, farmboy.
Later, man.
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