Friday, January 28, 2011

Comedy Tonight

It's Friday, which is fuckin' great. I'm freezing, which just fuckin' sucks. I'm going out tonight when I'd rather be staying in, but what the hell.

Where are you going, farmboy?

To a comedy club with my brother. We're gonna see this comedian named Marc Maron, who has this podcast where he interviews other comedians and does his own comedy, too. I enjoy the show. My brother called me up yesterday to see if I wanted to go. He's gotta be out of his house or something so he called.

I think it'll be good for you to go out.

I guess, but that's the way I am. I like to just hang out at home and smoke weed but I kinda feel I should experience real life sometimes, you know. I'm such a pothead, I'm such a fuckin' addict. But I do realize there's a whole lot more to life out there. I also realize that I looove marijuana. Maybe it's not an either/or thing.

What if it is an either/or thing?

I'm not looking at it right now. Plus I am going out into the world tonight.

Well, I'm glad you made that choice, farmboy.

Why? Are you one of those anti-marijuana people?

No, I'm not. But I am a pro-moderation person.

And you're right, of course. Excess in anything is not good. But, fuck, I love marijuana.

It may be a good thing to try a little moderation with it, farmboy.

And hopefully I will try a little moderation. But tonight I'm just going to see some comedy tonight. That's the name of a Stephen Sondheim song, I think.

It always comes back to songs...

I am not going to do music in moderation, I can tell you that.

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