Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Another adventure, another transition

Tonight's my last night at my brother's house. Tomorrow I go to to see the surgeon and hopefully he'll give me the okay to take my braces off of my legs, and then it's back home for me.

Looking forward to it, eh, farmboy? It's been a little while since you've been there.

No shit, Sherlock. Over three months. It'll be good to be back in in my my apartment. I'll be able to stay up as long as I want and drink coffee whenever I choose. Not that I can't do that at my brother's, but...I don't know, it'll just feel better being in my own place.

Are you going to do anything special that first night?

I'll probably order pizza, have it delivered. There's some potato chips there -- my brother went to the store today to get me some groceries. I don't buy potato chips very often. It's a real treat. It's gonna be fuckin' great.

I hope so, farmboy. You deserve one night of fun after this ordeal you've been through.

Really. I am looking forward to it. 

There's one thing that I'm concerned about, man. I really don't want to return to my old life; I need to make some changes. Starting with the fuckin' job.

But that doesn't have to be addressed tomorrow night, or even this weekend. Give yourself a little bit of a break, farmboy.

Oh, don't worry, I am. I do have a friend from California visiting on Saturday, but that should be low pressure and fun. I'm looking forward to it.

You know, really, it's just another adventure, another transition. I left the hospital and went to rehab for two months and then back to the hospital for more rehab. Then I went to my brother's. 

And now I'm going home, man.

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