Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I'm a hobo

Hey, man, what's up? 

Not much, farmboy. Just the same old same old. Nothing bad, it's just an average day. How about you?

About the same, really. I just finished supper. I had a can of beans. I'm a hobo.

I guess. Just a can of beans?  

Refried. With hot sauce. My brother and his family went out for sushi, so I was on my own. Too bad. I love sushi.

I know you can't leave the house.

Yeah, I'm on fuckin' house arrest. Actually, they didn't ask me. I'm afraid my days here are numbered. I think they may be getting sick of me.

Did they tell you that, farmboy?

Well, no, but they went out for dinner and didn't leave a note or anything. Or ask me if I wanted anything.  I gotta get walking and climbing stairs and shit. I really don't want to wear out my welcome, you know? I was really afraid that this kind of thing would happen.

I know you were. Do you think that maybe you're misinterpreting this?

Oh, I'm sure I am. I'm always wrong. It's a little habit I have.

Anyway, gotta go, man. I gotta wash my dinner dishes so there's no evidence that I was here. Then I'm going to my room and discreetly smoke weed and isolate myself. (laughs)  I love my self-medicated life.

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