Wednesday, July 13, 2022

I don't want to get up

I don't want to get up anymore
I want to lie in bed all day
I'm scared of what the world will offer
and I have to stay away
so I will lie there 
until the afternoon
hoping the evening 
will be coming soon
and I won't have to worry
about the day ahead
I'll just take off my slippers
and go back to bed

I don't want to wake up from this dream
I feel safe and warm in its arms
it's not a nightmare and it's so nice
and it doesn't mean me any harm
so I will stay asleep
please don't wake me up
I have seen real life
and I believe I've had enough
I don't want to rise
that's what I said
so I'll take these blankets
and put them over my head

I don't know what I'm going to do
about this bad habit of mine
I know it's good to stay in bed
but not all the time
take my hands
guide me up from this bed
so I can do
some living instead
I cannot live
like I have before
but I don't want to get up

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