Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's not going to get better, is it?

Man, I hate living in dread. So I'm thinking about a time where I'll play gigs and have friends. Where I can have adventures and feel the winds of other places, places where I'm not supposed to be. Where I can feel loved and I can also love. And I have to believe that day is coming, 'cause I've been so worried and anxious and hated-filled and mostly afraid. I'm so fuckin' tired, man. I'm just fried.

I know, farmboy. I know.

(farmboy starts crying) It's not going to get better, is it?

It will.

Farmboy, right now you're seeing everything through the eyes of your depression. Or, as you have said, mental illness. Okay?


Life has been bad before and life has been good before. Just relax. It'll work out.

Okay. I hope so.

Relax, farmboy. Breathe.

(farmboy takes a deep breath, holds it, and exhales. And repeats.)

You'll be okay, farmboy. Everything's going to be okay.

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