Monday, August 1, 2011

This is not a performance

Bad fuckin' day, man.

Have you gone to your counselor lately, farmboy?

Went this morning. It was useless. Now, he wasn't useless. I was useless. I was in panic mode and I was emotional and crying over the financial shit and this gig I'm not playing...

Which is?

Which I don't want to talk about.

That's fine.

Now, he can't really do much in a situation like that. I felt sorry for him, you know?

So he was fine. I...I don't know what to say about myself...

farmboy, this is not a performance.

I know. And believe me, I've thought about that aspect of seeing a counselor. That's the last place I want to perform. Shit needs to be honest, man.

Fuck, man, I need a book to read. Something to get lost in that travels well. Maybe John Irving. Maybe John Steinbeck.

Give your mind a rest.

Yeah, man.

Take any clonazepam lately?

You know, you think I'd be living on the fuckin' things, verdad? I took one today. I took one Friday. Fuck. Maybe I am living on the fuckin' things.

I wouldn't worry about it, farmboy. You're on a pretty small dosage.

Well, man, I'm gonna take off and make a pizza for supper. You're welcome to come over to eat, man.

I'd like that, but I can't tonight. Can I have a rain check?

Of course. Come by any time, man.

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