Friday, July 27, 2012

Carbs and fat

Days like this are so fuckin' strange, man. I did nothing but fuckin' sleep and play on the computer and that's about it. Usually I would feel total guilt about this, but I haven't. I've only played one song on the guitar.

How about panic, farmboy? Any problems with anxiety today?

No, weirdly enough.

I've been at home all day. I didn't drive anywhere, because if I did I knew I'd spend money I don't have on bad food I don't need. You know, things with sugar or bread that I'd spread butter on. Carbs and fat. My favorite things.

No meat?

Some meat, not a whole lot. I don't eat a lot of meat because I don't need a lot of meat and people eat too much meat anyway. You know, the environment and stuff. But also, meat's expensive. I can't afford a lot of meat. But, fuck, I don't need it any way. What I do eat is generally chicken and turkey. I'll eat beef once in a while and I hardly ever eat pork. (laughs) This conversation has made a strange turn, man.

I don't know if we've ever talked about food and nutrition.

There's usually more important things to talk about, which is funny 'cause food's a pretty important thing, you know? I have a lot of problems with food. This talking about it is making me nervous,man. Let's move on.

I'd like to return to discussing food one of these days, farmboy.

Okay. But not today, all right? I've had kind of an anxiety-free day and I'd like it to stay that way, man.

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