Sunday, July 15, 2012

To the best of my ability

I tell you, man. I'm trying. I am in the midst of a deep, dark depression. So I'm taking the appropriate actions: Trying to eat better, making myself play guitar, forcing myself to see people. Next I need to add some exercise, no matter how little. 

It sure helped to talk to you yesterday. What I learned from talking with you is maybe I need to separate the financial problems from all the emotional shit that's going on, or at least separate them to the best of my ability.

I'm so glad, farmboy. I've been awfully worried about you. I know everything is hard right now for you.

Well, I'm trying to look at the stuff that's not hard for me. I'm over that fuckin' bronchial thing I had. I have the grant to play music for kids with disabilities, so I've been playing, and I'm good at it. And even though I love weed, I think that it's a good thing to not be smokin' every single fuckin' day like I was. I miss it, of course, and I love it the few times I get to do it, but I think it's better this way.

I do too, farmboy. It's one less thing for you to be carrying around.

So I just wanted you to know that today I'm kinda okay. And I wanted to say thanks for listening yesterday.

Any time, farmboy. There's a lot of people who love you.

Ah, man, don't make me cry...

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