Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's been a good night

Just got home, man. Happy Fourth of July!

Same to you, farmboy. Did you go out tonight?

Yeah. I had a good time. Went to see some friends of mine from the coffeehouse. We stayed outside and ate and mostly played music and laughed and stuff. It was good. I've been feeling isolated lately,and I needed to go out. What did you do?

Stayed home and watched the fireworks. There were lots of people out on the street lighting them up. It was fine, but I feel bad about the animals.

I know. I feel bad for them too. It must be terrifying for them.

I'm gonna go to bed, man, but it's been a good night. I am so thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for music, and I'm thankful that I didn't spend the day alone or depressed or worried. (yawns)  Man, I'm tired.

Get some sleep, farmboy.

You too, man. See you later.

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