Saturday, October 8, 2016

All this, by the way, is my choice

So I'm not sure when I spoke to you last, man. There's all this stuff going on.

Good stuff, I hope.

Some good, some I-don't-know. You know, it's hard. Every day is fuckin' hard, man. Every day I have a meltdown or two. Or three.

Did I tell you I'm gonna be going to an intensive rehab place again? 

Is everything all right with your legs, farmboy? 

Well, no. I'm still in the process of healing as far as that goes.

But what I'm doing is going to an intensive rehab for emotional issues.

Seriously? I didn't even know they had those.

Me neither. It's for, like, three days a week. I'm outpatient, so at least for now I'll be sleeping at home at night.

All this, by the way, is my choice. I asked this new therapist if such a thing existed and he told me about this.

I think this will be good for you, farmboy. I'm really proud of you for doing this, and for seeking it out. I think you're going to be just fine, farmboy.

I don't know, man. I'm putting in the work, I'm making the effort. I may not know a lot of things, but I know how to work.

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