Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring break

What's up?

Everything but my paycheck! Hey, I sound like that guy in "Cheers."


Yeah, that's the guy. Well, guess what, amigo? It's spring break! Spring break!

How long do you get off?

One week. A week in which I would like to get some things done.

Such as?

I need to take gig stuff to a couple of places, I need to work on my EPK -- electronic press kit. I'd like to do some recording and writing, and maybe take a little action with gigs. I'd also like to read and listen and learn and maybe even walk.

How about seeing people? Friends?

I will see friends and I'd like to spend some time with my niece. I will not isolate myself. This I know. Too much too completely alone can drive me crazy -- no, worse than that, I'll start thinking of things I shouldn't be thinking of, and then I'll start obsessing, and I'll get depressed and sad and devastated and...well, fuck, I can't think of a word for the severity of it. I can get real bad. And, right now especially, I can't let myself be drawn that way.

Take some time to relax, too. Don't make so many plans that you can't get any peace.

Yeah, I should try meditating or something. I think I don't really know exactly what meditation is. (laughs) I know what medication is.

Especially self-medication.

Yeah. We should talk about that, I guess. As long as you're not too down on me, it might be a good thing to talk about. I mean, just for my own...clarification, if you know what I mean.

I'm not sure I do.

In some ways, I think marijuana may be a good thing for me. I smoke too much, maybe...

Now, that's you saying this...

It's me, yeah, I know. I'm actually trying to get a medical marijuana card right now. Wish me luck.

Good luck. farmboy.

Thanks. I'm hoping it comes through.

Listen, you have to know this. I won't be judgmental about your use of marijuana. I think that's important for you to know. I'm not your parents or a police officer or a priest or anyone like that.

A friend?

I'll accept that.

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