Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today was just molestation

Good day? Bad day?

Bad day, but not as bad as yesterday. Stayed in, tried not to think about recent career developments. No escalation as of right now. And that's a good thing. I felt bad for not doing anything constructive all day, but then I thought maybe this is what I should be doing. Getting over things.

Sounds like...a better day than yesterday, yes.

The last two three days, life fucked me over. Today was just molestation.

What about tomorrow?

We'll see when it comes. I think it would be a real good thing to not fuckin' smoke so much pot tomorrow, 'cause Monday it's back to work, and that may not be a bad thing.

Get you back to normalcy.

Or some semblance of it, yeah. That could be good. Not be so isolated. Even though I think isolation was needed these last few days.

I think you're recovering.

Good. I think what happened was I lost my reason for living for a while. Seriously. I know this whole time I appear to be extremely over-dramatic and self-involved. Which I am. But this was what everything felt like to me. It was fuckin' painful, man. And, see, there's nobody around that I feel comfortable enough to say "I'm hurt" to somebody who will hug me which would then start me to cryin' like a five-year-old. Which, of course, is exactly what I need most. But you can't do that. I can't do that.

So tonight...

Tonight I can stay up and I found my anti-anxiety pills so I can take one.

Well, congratulations about today. Sounds like you've learned some things about yourself.

Yeah, that I can throw one hell of a tantrum when I don't get my way.

Stop it. You were hurt, and you recognized that you needed to take action.

Today was completely inaction.

No it wasn't. You could have chosen to get mad mad and obsess over it and have it turn out like the escalation it was the day before.


So breathe. Relax. Don't panic. Take the pill. Enjoy the weed. And sleep well, farmboy.

Thanks. You too.

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