Friday, April 29, 2011

Major dose of adrenaline

I'm performing tonight!

Where at, farmboy?

At the coffeehouse -- they had a cancellation and I was asked to play. I don't know what I'm gonna play. I always go through this. I get all stressed out and my confidence gets...well, shaky. It's not that I don't have any confidence, I just get this idea that I need to please everybody, and that's just not possible.

Do you get stage fright?

Yeah, I do. Pisses me off. I also get this major dose of adrenaline and my mind is just going and going and I find it hard to relax. Plus I'm feeling all anxious and that makes my fuckin' carpel tunnel worse and I doubt my tuning and my memory. I'm a fuckin' mess.

So what should I play?

Pick your favorites, farmboy.

That'll be interesting. Let me work on that.

I better hurry.

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