Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a fuckin' colloquialism

The people upstairs from me, I can hear their music. It's actually not real loud, but, you know, there's this thunk-thunk bass sound that comes in. And it's not to that level where it's really an issue. I'd really just rather hear silence.

It's not nearly as bad as hearing, you know, loud fucking going on. My last neighbor, hoo boy, he had a party night right before he moved out. I would have never expected it from him. He was a quiet sort.

Hoo boy?

Um, yeah. It's a fuckin' colloquialism, Give me a break, man.

No, I have the answer!

To what?

Hoo boy.

Okay. What is it?

Pete Townsend.


Who boy. Pete Townsend. Get it, farmboy? Who boy?


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