Tuesday, July 26, 2011


You know, man, I try to write, I really do. So one thing I've been writing -- even though, technically speaking, it's not really writing -- is poetry. Haiku, to be specific. So what's the plural of haiku?

Good question, farmboy. Haikii?

I don't know either. That's why I asked.

Anyway, I bought this Magnetic Poetry calendar, like, six months ago 'cause it was, like, three bucks and change. So that's what I'm doing with these haiku things.

Here's yesterday's:

play hard step gentle
imagine essential ground
morning feels sweet


The day before -- let's see if I can reconstruct it.

between fire & moon
believe a future summer
almost vacation

Well, man, that one's not so fuckin' great, maybe. It was better day before yesterday. I didn't remember it well. Not that yesterday's was, either. Great, that is.

But what I'm trying to do is free myself up, you know, so words don't seem so fuckin' rare. 'Cause they're not. It's the same kind of process that I use with guitar and making up guitar melodies. That's why it's important that I play guitar every day, hopefully a number of times a day.

I see. So do you have a haiku for today, farmboy?

I knew you'd ask that. (farmboy gets out the calendar) Here goes nothin', man.

relax from garden work
rain has never let me taste
a thaw so gentle

Very good. What does it mean?

I have no fuckin' idea, man.

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