Monday, July 25, 2011

Throwing myself into real life

to-do list:

1) Write, edit and rehearse Kickstarter pitch for video (which will be shot on Saturday @ 5 the coffeehouse.

2) Send correspondence:
-- friends who donated money
-- bills (medical and business)

3) Renew cell phone usage

4) Follow up on places you have given promo CDs to

5) Complete rewrite of song for Wednesday's song critique session

6) Continue working on CD

7) Continue playing and rehearsing

8) Write (or rewrite) a song for Sunday's songwriting group

9) Go over Kickstarter premiums

10) Look at Kickstarter application

11) Apartment cleaning

12) Record on Garage Band

Looks good, farmboy. I like this organizing stuff you're doing. I believe this has been the third week, right?

Something like that, man.

The main thing for this week is the Kickstarter stuff, because I'm really fuckin' serious about it. This has to happen.

I'm glad to see you're serious about this -- even though, farmboy, I had no doubt.

It's like I'm throwing myself into real life, man. I need to do my best as far as getting out of my own
way. I have a friend who once put it as tripping over my own shoelaces. Which I've always thought would make a good phrase for a song. I just haven't found the right one yet.

So, anyway, I talked to a friend of mine, and he's going to shoot the video on Saturday. Which gives me time to write the pitch and edit it and maybe even rehearse it, I may be needing you as a sounding board, man.

I'm here, any time, farmboy.

Fuck, man, you're so great.

Thanks for letting me get involved with this. This could be exciting!

Fuck, yeah, man. Keepin' my eye on the prize, you know.

Good thing to do.

As long as I keep my eyes wide open when the process is happening and do the best work I can with the tools I have, man.

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