Today's the last day of September.
Does that hold any special meaning for you, farmboy?
Not really. If it did, it would be this year, because today I bought some weed. I loves me some marijuana, man.
I know.
Have you ever tried it?
Yes. And I like it. I tend to go more for wine, though.
See, I wish I liked wine. I wish I knew how to drink, 'cause drinking's got so much going for it. It kinda looks cool sometimes, and I like the idea of passing around a guitar and a bottle of whiskey. But, man, I can't take the fuckin' taste. I like beer once in a while -- preferably Corona, with a wedge of lime, please. And preferably when smoking weed.
As far as I'm concerned, you're just asking for trouble when you drink whiskey.
Maybe for some people. I know people who handle it well, though. I think it depends on who you are. I used to drink whiskey...well, no, I drank tequila. Straight. I once even ate the worm during an all-night jam at the Mill in Santa Paula, California, which used to be a feed store. Now it's a museum. I spent a lot of time in Santa Paula as a young man, you know, 19-20 years old. We were wild. Those were amazing times with amazing friends, amazing musicians.
Speaking of socializing, are you going anywhere tonight?
I'm going to the coffeehouse to hear some friends of mine.
Are you playing?
Me? No. I'm gonna be an audience. It'll be social and fun and it'll have no nerve-wracking anxiety that performing brings. Not that I don't love performing, I do. But it will be fun to have a night where I just see friends and hear music.
What are you going to do tonight, man?
Just stay at home and read.
Wanna come with?
Thanks, but I'm in the middle of a novel that's pretty suspenseful.
What is it?
I've forgotten what the name of the novel is, but it's written by some writer from Sweden.
I've heard of that, but I forget his name too.
I'm reading an autobiography by a musician names Bob Mould. He was in a band called Husker Du. It's a good book. I don't know much about him or the band, but it's really interesting.
Oh, man! I just looked at the clock and it's time for me to get ready to go.
Well, farmboy, have fun seeing your friends.
Thanks. And you have fun reading, okay, man? Catch you later.