Saturday, September 17, 2011

A lot more than money

Hey, farmboy, how are you?

Well, right now I'm sorta frustrated. I'm trying to buy a computer monitor that I found on craigslist and I've talked to the guy who's selling it. So I'm waiting for the guy to call, but he just keeps putting me off. So I'm giving him a few more minutes then I'm going to put my cell phone on silent because I figure the guy doesn't really want to sell it, and I'm fuckin' tired of wasting my time. I hate wasting my time.

But let me tell you the good news...

Really? Great! I like it when you have good news. It's the Kickstarter project, isn't it?

Yep. I'm more than halfway there now, can you believe it? A friend of mine from Texas and one from here made sizable donations, and, like, 20 people or so are backers now. Man! I can't fuckin' believe it!

Now I gotta not get cocky or overconfident or anything.

Overconfidence has never seemed like a problem for you, farmboy.

I just don't want to take anything for granted, man. I'm so thankful you wouldn't believe.

I know.

It's about a lot more than money, man. It's these people who believe in what I'm doing and want to help. I have friends that are excited that I'm making a new recording,, and that, man, is so fuckin' gratifying. Plus, you know, I really want to make a new album. This is why I'm here,, to create music...

To have your say...

In a way, yeah. That's exactly what it is.

So this bozo hasn't called, so I'm gonna go make some coffee. Talk with you tomorrow.

You got it, farmboy.

Great! Talk at you then, man.

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