Monday, September 12, 2011

There is joy here, and I'm noticing it

It's up. The big 2011 farmboy Kickstarter project has begun!

Wow! Good for you, farmboy! How do you feel?

I feel okay. I got a good amount of pledges and I feel -- even more than the financial stuff -- really, uh, touched by the support. This could be really good in ways other than financial.

Now let's talk about something else.

What's the matter, farmboy? Getting a little uncomfortable, are you?

Well, yeah. You know I'm not good with positive shit. Especially when it involves those human-being types.

Yes, I've noticed.

What I need to do is process this stuff in my own way. But trust me, man, I don't fuckin' take it for granted. There is joy here, and I'm noticing it.


So what should we talk about?

What are you into these days? I mean music, film, books...

I tell you, man, I am deeply involved in that fuckin' Breaking Bad TV show.

Pretty good, huh?

Oh man, I'm, like, looking it up online and shit.

(farmboy stops talking)

farmboy, what's wrong?

Oh, it just crossed my mind. You know, here I've started this exciting project that's going to lead to an even more exciting project, and here I am talking about a fuckin' TV show.

(The interviewer is silent for a few seconds, then looks at farmboy) is a good show...

Yeah! So, like, last night, look have you seen it? I don't want to spoil it for you...Man, so, like, Walt and Jesse, they got in this fight...

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