Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm sick

Hey, man, thought I'd give you a call. I'm sick.

I figured so, after I talked to you yesterday. Did you go to work today, farmboy?

Yeah, I have no sick leave, so I have to or else I'll lose that precious fuckin' money, you know? But I'm not that bad...I mean, I feel bad, and all that stuff. I feel really fuckin' lousy, to be honest with you. But I can still go to work.

I just wanted to check in, man. I'm gonna go to bed pretty soon. What you got going for tonight, man? Anything special?

Let's see. It's a Tuesday night. I'll probably read for a while, then turn in early. 

Well, man, you have a good one, okay? I'll be talking with you soon.

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