Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More than anything

So now it's finally summer, my summer, you know? School's over, today was the last day of the training, and now I can't seem to get my mind off of all the work that I need to do to survive the next few months. But, fuck, man, I gotta find a fuckin' way. And not just that,, but I need to make more money year round, and the best thing to do that I can see is working with music.

farmboy, I want this to be successful for you. Remember that. You can do this, farmboy.

Thanks, man, 'cause I don't know if I can...

Stop there, farmboy. Don't even let that type of thought in your mind. It's not a time to be doubting yourself.

You can do this. I want you to be convinced that you can. I want you to believe that you can accomplish making your living in music this summer. More than anything I want you to believe this.

More than anything I want to believe it. I think it's one of those things that I'm going to have to prove to myself.

And you can do that, farmboy.

Man, I tell you, I want to.

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