Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nothing but blue sky

Fuck, man, I need to find some way to get this fuckin' static outta my fuckin' head.

You could start with not swearing so much, farmboy.

I'll ignore that fuckin' remark.

(quietly) I thought you would...

What was that?

Oh, nothing, nothing...

So was today a good day?

Went to my brother's house and hung out. Some friends were there, which was cool. The weather was so fuckin' -- sorry, man -- beautiful. Like, 85 degrees and nothing but blue sky. And with the sun out so long...well, I just sat outside and visited and ate and played my brother's guitar and, well, you know how it feels when you get those perfect days. One thing is that here, in the Pacific Northwest, we don't take those days for granted. Mainly 'cause there's so much shitty weather, you know?

So it's been a good day. How was yours?

You know, it was a good day. I went outside for a good, long while and just saw family and a couple of friends.

Wow! Just like my day, really.

They were a lot alike. I didn't notice that, but I can see it now.

Yeah, man. That's a pretty handy trick.

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