Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shackled by my fear

I'm tired, man. Everybody is know is tired. Are you tired, man?

I'm sort of evened-out anymore, farmboy. I don't go for extremes, myself. I'm actually content the way I am.

Really? I can't fuckin' imagine it. What's it feel like?

Calm, mostly.

It's got to be more than that. C'mon.

You're right. It's like you're no longer yearning all the time. You spend a lot more time and effort being grateful that everything has turned out the way it has.

Is it peaceful, man?

Yes. I think you could say that.

Wow. I can't fuckin' imagine it. Seriously, man. And then I think: Will I ever get there?

No question about it, farmboy. You're headed for happier times. If you want them, that is.

Oh, I want them. I'm just shackled by my fear of it all. I don't know why.

That's just fear.

I know, but try telling that to...well, I don't know who...

I'm telling this to you. I'm telling this to farmboy.

And I'm glad you are, because I need to hear it. It is just fear. I need to get over it, or work through it, or work in spite of it, you know? I can't let fear rule me.

Good. You're better than that.

Now that's what I'm hoping to start believing. It's a long, hard, unfriendly road, man, I fuckin' tell you what.

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