Friday, January 18, 2013

Dodge these bullets

I've been thinking too fuckin' much lately, man. I mean, I've always thought too much but lately...I'm just thinking and thinking about how I am such a failure, about how my life is hopeless, about how everything is fuckin' hopeless. I mean, we're born, we have a lousy childhood, we go to school to become stupid little sheep. And then we work the rest of our lives away so we can try to dodge these bullets like illness and taxes and insane people with feeble little minds. We create governments that just fuck us over...or rather, the fuckin' rich people, they create governments that fuck everybody in the fuckin' ass over and over and over. If we're lucky we meet somebody, but, fuck, I ain't lucky, man. I was born lonely and I'm gonna be lonely the rest of my life. Anyway, so we keep working and working and working at jobs where we're not appreciated, then we come home and watch the fuckin' television. Some of us get to have kids, which means we worry and worry and get kicked in the teeth for it. Then, if we're lucky we get to retire and people forget all about you 'cause you're old and in this society old is bad, man, so bad. Then you get some disease and then you die and it's painful and then you get fucked over in death by the fuckin' mortuary and the taxman, and, man, I just don't fuckin' know, man. You know what I mean?

I think you're right, farmboy.

Really, man?

Yes. You think way too much.

(sighs)  I know.

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