Monday, January 21, 2013

I got something wrong

Hey, man, I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing okay.

Glad to hear it, farmboy, What the hell happened?

I'm not fuckin' sure, man. I mean, I got some really fucked financial news. But my reaction, man...

Was scary?

Scared the fuckin' shit out of me. I don't know.  and fuck, man, I was thinking about fuckin' suicide. Not that I would do it. I don't think I would ever do it. 

This was like a fuckin' breakdown of some sort where everything built up, up to the point where it was making me physically ill. I had to take three days off work. Life was painful in all sorts of ways. Hot damn, man.

I need some help.

Yes you do. 

I gotta do some thinking about who and where and how.

Ask your doctor, farmboy.

Believe me, I will. 

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