Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hungry for silence

So what did you do today? Did you make the right choices?

You know, I probably make both each day -- good and bad choices.

What? You mean you're not perfect? You mean you're a human being?

Aaah, fuck you. Okay, I made some good choices. I walked, I ate spinach, I ate bananas, I played my new song 4 times, I played guitar. The bad choices were overeating, and eating a baugette, but not a whole wheat baugette, no, one made with white flour.

What else did you do? Tell me about your day.

It was a day when nothing important happened , you know. I went to work, but I really don't want to talk about work, In my free time, it's music, you know? The less said about work, the better.

What I do is play guitar, mess around on the internet, read all this music geek stuff, blogs and shit, listen to podcasts. I listen to RadioLab, This American Life. That TBTL with Luke Burbank show.


Too Beautiful to Live. It used to be on the radio, but now it's a podcast. This Luke Burbank guy, he calls it an "imaginary radio show."

Listen to much music?

Not much lately. I play guitar when I get home, but I'm usually hungry for silence when I get home. Man, I love music, I live for music, but I know that silence is important.

I listen to music when I go to bed. Quiet stuff. You got to be quiet in an apartment.

I think silence is necessary.

Me too. I need quiet. (pauses) Speaking of which...would you mind if...

Of course not. You finish your night and get some sleep.

It's nothing personal...

I know. It's okay.

Yeah, but...

Good night, farmboy.


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