Friday, February 5, 2010

Steel strings on wood

Weekend's here, week is over. Good week?

Well, the big thing was the whole song-in-a-contest stuff. And especially writing the song. It feels good to have written, you know, it's amazing when it goes right (laughs). It's like I feel, I don't know, it's like I feel more like me, you know.

I'm proud of you.

(surprised) Really?

Are you proud of yourself?

It makes me happy that you're proud of me. (pause) Those were my father's last words to me before he died.

Let's change the subject. Please.

Sure. What do you want to talk about?

Something trivial, you know, something light. Uhhh...I got nothing I really have to do this weekend. I'll see my brother and his family, I'll play guitar. Maybe I'll write something. How about you?

Super Bowl Sunday!!!

I wish I liked sports. I would think it would be fun to get excited about a football game. I have respect for athletes, but I don't really appreciate sports.

It does seem silly, these adults playing with a ball.

It makes as much sense to me as making these sounds from steel strings on wood. And that's the kind of thing that excites me. Making sounds, telling stories to these sounds.

Been playing guitar?

I play guitar pretty much every day, and I try for picking up that guitar at least three times a day. I get a lot of satisfaction playing guitar. (laughs) I love my guitar. We're collaborators.

I like the way you put that...

It's true. I think of the audience in that way, too, that what they bring to the music is collaborating. What they filter the music through. Am I making sense? Jeff Tweedy says this kind of thing in interviews too, but he's much, much smarter than me.

You're pretty smart.

I worry about not being smart. Sometimes I wonder if I'm stupid. But I don't want to go there tonight. I want to smoke weed and luxuriate in the fact that the work week is done and over with.

And so you will. Happy Friday, farmboy.

About fuckin' time, motherfucker.

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