Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An absence of bad things

I didn't see you yesterday.

Yeah, I know. It's just that everything is so boring. Or, rather, I am so boring. Not that things are either bad or good; believe me, I am thankful for the times when there is an absence of bad things. But I don't want to waste your time...

But you're not wasting it.

Look, I'm even boring myself these days.

We don't have to talk long. Just let me know how you're doing.

Every day?

No. Every few days would be nice.

Okay. I can do that.

So how are you?

Tired and ready for the school year to end. We got, like, 16 days to go. Memorial Day weekend's coming up, and I ordered a couple of killer pot brownies.

But you know I haven't been feeling all that well physically. The bronchitis is pretty much over, except for a fuckin' sore throat. But my backs been hurting and I pinched a nerve in my arm and my sleep has not been great. My doctor wrote me a new prescription for my anti-anxiety pills, so I may take one tonight just so I can have a good night's sleep.

Sounds good to me. I know you don't take them often.

Yeah. I need a good night's sleep.

So, farmboy. Check in tomorrow?

You got it.

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