Sunday, April 25, 2010


Oh, man, do I feel fuckin' guilty or what?


I called in to take the day off as a personal day, because I was out tonight playing music with friends. And so I don't want to be all tired and grumpy at work...



You were out playing music with friends tonight?

Yeah, so?

Farmboy has a social life! Who would have thought?

(laughs) You're a jive-ass motherfuckin' sonuvabitch...

Oooh! How very 1972 of you!

Yeah, I have friends and we play music. I was talking about the guilt...

I don't care about the guilt. Do you have a personal day to take off?


So take it off. The people at work will survive. And that company you work for doesn't deserve your loyalty anyway.

You've been drinking, haven't you?

I'm just playing with you, farmboy. So, what about these friends?

They're the folks from the coffeehouse. We're doing a once-a-month songwriting critique, sort of. We have a potluck and play what we're working on.

Was it fun?

Yeah. It was fun. It was kinda awkward at times 'cause I don't really know some of the people. Which is good, actually. There was sushi. I love sushi. I want to learn how to make it.


Yeah. It would be fun to take sushi you've made yourself to someone's house, you know?

This is the most social I've seen you be in...I don't know if I've ever seen you this social, actually.

Man, it was just one time.

You were out Friday at the coffeehouse...

Yeah, I was. Okay, it's been a social weekend. I'm a fuckin' social butterfly or some other overused chiche.

And you liked it.

Yeah, but I'm exhausted afterwards. I'm such a fuckin' introvert it's pathetic. Being social just zaps the energy right out of me.

So you can rest tomorrow. It's your personal day. Personally, I think it's worth it if that means you get to be with your friends and play music; you know, songs you wrote.

Okay, okay, I get you. Sheesh.



You know what, farmboy?


I'm proud of you.

Proud of me?

Yeah. You're a good guy, farmboy. I like you.

(confused) What's this about? I don't get it.

You have friends. You have fun.

Yeah. So?

So I'm proud of you.



(quietly) You're a good guy too.

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