Thursday, April 29, 2010

The way I use imagination

Man, I tell you...

Tell me.

(Sings) I'll tell you/ a thing or two/ but that's not all/I'm gonna do/And you won't have a clue/Just a thiiing oooorrr twooooo. (laughs)

Always with the rhymes.

It's in the blood. It's in the heart. It's in the soul.

Yeah, yeah. How're you doing, farmboy?

I'm okay. Tomorrow's Friday. Tomorrow's payday. Oh, man, the groceries I'm gonna buy! I can't wait!

So April was better than March?

Oh, yeah, thanks to money from music.

Good for you. Congratulations!

Thank you.

Your plan for May? the stuff I didn't do in April. Work on the church gigs, try to get another grant, keep writing, keep playing...

Keep that imagination going.

That is 100% fuckin' right, man. Fuck, I got the greatest fuckin' imagination around. Not like in a science-fiction sense, but in a human sense.

Hence the songwriting.

I love the word "hence." Almost as much as "sans."

Your imagination has kept you going.

Yeah. The only problem with...with the way I use imagination is that I use it to the point of isolating myself from other human beings.

Interesting. I like the way you said that.

Use those I-messages, man, some people love it.

And you?

In this case, it's accurate. And I go with accurate.

You're such a writer.

I strive to be as accurate as I possibly can when I write.

Are you writing lately?

Yeah. And I kind of have to isolate to write, in a way.

I can understand that.

I read an interview with Joni Mitchell once from a long time ago and she said she had to be isolated to write.

Well, there you go.

There you go.

Go use your imagination wisely, farmboy.

I'll try.

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